23 May 2014

How to find current location Latitude & Longitude based on the IP-address using JavaScript

<script language="JavaScript" src="http://j.maxmind.com/app/geoip.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">document.write(geoip_city());</script> 
<br>Country Code:
<script language="JavaScript">document.write(geoip_country_code());</script>
<br>Country Name:
<script language="JavaScript">document.write(geoip_country_name());</script>
<br>Region Name:
<script language="JavaScript">document.write(geoip_region_name());</script>
 <br>Postal Code:
<script language="JavaScript">document.write(geoip_postal_code());</script>
<script language="JavaScript">document.write(geoip_latitude());</script>
<script language="JavaScript">document.write(geoip_longitude());</script>

9 May 2014

Saving a file in a specified folder inside my project using c#

var path = String.Format("{0}LogFiles\\Logdata.txt", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);

 oStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(path, true);

 oStreamWriter.WriteLine("Your text");

How to create groups and sort the groups in c#.net

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace sorted_with_Groups
    class Program
        public class Student
            public string First { get; set; }
        public static List<Student> GetStudents()
            List<Student> students = new List<Student>
           new Student {First="adi"},
           new Student {First="balu"},
           new Student {First="reddy"},
           new Student {First="nani"},
           new Student {First="pavan"},
           new Student {First="raghu"},
           new Student {First="ramu"},
           new Student {First="raja"},
           new Student {First="vamsi"},
           new Student {First="cm"},
           new Student {First="pm"},
           new Student {First="hm"},
           new Student {First="sm"}
            return students;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Student> students = GetStudents();
            var sortedGroups =
                from student in students
                orderby student.First
                group student by student.First[0] into newGroup
                orderby newGroup.Key
                select newGroup;

            Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "sortedGroups:");
            foreach (var studentGroup in sortedGroups)
                foreach (var student in studentGroup)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}", student.First);

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
