8 January 2014

C#.NET AND ASP.NET Interview Questions

  1. Explain about your project?
  2. Can we open web.config file through URL?
  3. Can we host ASP.NET web service out side IIS?
  4. What is view state and its disadvantages?
  5. ASP.NET page life cycle concept extension in 3.5?
  6. How did you handle exception in your project?
  7. What is global.asax file?
  8. What is bubble event?
  9. What is AutoEventWireup?
  10. Can we use two web.config files in asp.net project? If Possible How?
  11. How many kind of section are there web.config? Explain few of them?
  12. What is caching? types of caching and examples?
  13. What is iDisposable?
  14. What is enum?write one small example?
  15. Where did you use caching in your project?
  16. How HTTP handler work in ASP.NET?
  17. Design Patterns - singleton and Abstract factory?
  18. MVP architecture
  19. MVC architecture
  20. Difference between MVP and MVC Architecture?
  21. 3 tier architecture and difference between tier and layer?
  22. What is UML structure of your project?
  23. How to implement theme in project?
  24. Request Response in ASP.NET?
  25. How to upload large file in using ASP.NET file uploader.
  26. Can we pass dataset through query string?
  27. what is base class for system.data.sqlclient?
  28. are we need to give connection to sqlcommand?
  29. what are shared methods?
  30. How u did payment integration In your application. 
  31. What is session?What kind of session you have used in your application?Why you have choose this session mechanism?
  32. What is Lamda expression?
  33. How many server side form validation controls? What are they?
  34. Difference between server side validation and client side validation? Which is reliable and which is fast?
  35. What is LINQ? explain one example?
  36. how to convert object to xml(obj.convertToXml(obj)--need to check)
  37. Difference between value types and reference types...
  38. What is difference between ref and out keywords?
  39. Extension methods preparation in asp.net like (.tostring())
  40. What is custom membership?
  41. https mechanism?
  42. SOAP header for method level security?
  43. What is difference between get and post method in form processing?
  44. Difference between user controls and custom controls.
  45. LINQ Example with list?
  46. Late binding. (in linq)?
  47. httpHandlers and httpmodules?
  48. difference between cache and session in the server side? where these are exactly storing?
  49. did u create any framework?
  50. What is delegate? How many types of delegates are there? Where did u use delegates in your application.
  51. What is custom membership?
  52. What is generic class? write code for list<int> lst=new list<int>() with manual coding. 
  53. what is memory management of CLR? Tel me about garbage collector methods>?iDispose and iHandler like that. 
  54. how many types of memory types are there in the programming. 
  55. You know any other technologies rather than this technologies?
  56. session management techniques?
  57. difference between value types and reference types?
  58. What is boxing and unboxing?
  59. why we should not use these boxing and unboxing?
  60. why should not use direct garbage Collector mechanisms?
  61. how to dispose objects explicitly in the c#.net?
  62. what is useful of "using" keyword?
  63. What are c# 2.0 features?
  64. What are c# 3.0 features?
  65. What are c# 4.0 features?
  66. What is difference between list and linkedlist?
  67. What is difference between arraylist and linkedlist?
  68. what is difference between arraylist and dictionary?
  69. What is difference between dictionary and Hash Table?
  70. What kind of operation will done in wcf operator overloading and web services operator overloading?

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