8 January 2014

SQL Server Interview Questions

  1. What is mean by transaction in SQL Server?
  2. What is Common Table Expression in SQL Server? Where do u use this?
  3. How to Change Identity column value of the SqlServer Table
  4. What are Max number of columns allows per table in SQL Server?
  5. Difference between Primary key and unique key?
  6. What is difference between having and Where clause?
  7. What is SQL Server paging?
  8. A table can have indexes. So, what are possibilities are there for tables?
  9. Query for column values by comma separated in Sql Server?
  10. Write a query for second highest salary using SQL Server?
  11. What are inner joins, Outer joins and self joins?
  12. Types of Cursors?
  13. write a function for converting integer into into time?
  14. Using select statement how to insert data into other table?
  15. What are isolation levels while using transactions?
  16. What is the maximum number of indices per table in SQL SERVER?
  17. Is SQL Server functions Pre-compiled statements?
  18. What are the main disadvantages of the index in SQL Server?
  19. SQL Query: Select duplicate records using group by and having clause
  20. What are DML, DCL, TCL and DDL statements in SQL Server? Explain briefly with an example?
  21. What are difference between stored procedure and functions?
  22. What is profiles in SQL Server?
  23. Sql stored procedures performance tuning tips and tricks?
  24. What is Cascading referential integrity constraint?
  25. SQL Query performance tips and tricks?
  26. What is difference between primary key and candidate key?
  27. How many types of indexes are there in SQL Server?
  28. difference between #tempTable,##tempTable,@tableName?
  29. Types of Joins in SQL Server? What are link between Common Table Expression and SQL Server?
  30. Types of views in SQL Server?
  31. What is sub query? How many types of sub queries are there in SQL Server?
  32. how many kinds of views..
  33. query to find previous interset row...
  34. how many @ variable types in sql server.
  35. Types of SQL Server joins with examples?
  36. What are Cursors?Advantages and disadvantages of Cursors?
  37. What are the differences between drop, delete and truncate statements in SQL Server?
  38. Where did you use Cursors in your project?
  39. What are different types of temp tables in the SQL Server?
  40. What are the difference between global and local temporary tables in SQL Server?
  41. Can we give referential integrity or foreign key constraint on temporary tables?
  42. How to delete temporary tables in sql server?
  43. In which database temporary tables will store in sql server?
  44. What is index? How many types of indexes are there in SQL SERVER?
  45. What is difference between clustered index and non clustered index in sql server?
  46. Views and its limitations (Is it really useful for a project?)
  47. Stored procedures and its test priority.
  48. Write small query on Group by having syntax?
  49. triggers and cursors in your application?
  50. can we call stored procedure with in stored procedure?
  51. What is concurrency? What are problems in database concurrency?
  52. What is optimistic and pessimistic concurrency?
  53. What is mean by Cascading referential integrity constraint?
  54. What are locks in sql server? How many types of locks are there in SQL Server?
  55. What are SQL Server Isolation levels?
  56. Stored procedures are pre-compiled, then where precompiled data will store?
  57. What is mean by table scan in sql server?
  58. If we do table scan, is there any performance issue?
  59. What is use of an index on the column, if we use in the GROUP BY clause?
  60. How to find how many indices are there for the table using system stored procedure
  61. What are benefits we will get when we use index in SQL Server?
  62. What is Query optimizer? what is the purpose of this?
  63. What is the main purpose of an index, when we maintains unique column in table?
  64. when we have are creating unique clustered index on the primary key column? give me some example?
  65. What is composite index? advantages?
  66. What is Covering query in SQL Server?
  67. What is b-tree?
  68. What is difference between sql server 2005 and sql server 2008 in terms of developer prospective?
  69. How is clustered index and non clustered index will maintain values in the b-tree?
  70. What is difference between @ and @@ variables in the t-sql?

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