8 January 2014

DOTNET Framework Interview Questions

  1. What is  .NET Framework?
  2. What is Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)?
  3. What is Common Language Runtime in .net framework?
  4. What are .net Threads?
  5. Write one example on threads?
  6. The .NET Class Library
  7. What is Managed Code?
  8. What is Common Language Specification (CLS)?
  9. What is Common Type System (CTS)?
  10. What is .net Namespace?
  11. What is Portable Executable(PE) File Format?
  12. What is Just in Time Compiler (JIT)?
  13. What is .Net Framework Metadata?
  14. What is .Net Framework Assembly?
  15. What are properties of Assembly?
  16. What is .NET strong name?
  17. How many types of Assemblies are there?
  18. What is private assembly and Shared Assembly?
  19. What is .Net Satellite Assembly?
  20. What is code access security?
  21. What is mean by Assembly Manifest in .net framework?
  22. What is Global Assembly Cache (GAC)?
  23. What is Garbage Collection?
  24. What is Application domain?
  25. How memory management work in .NET framework?

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