PointF pointF = new PointF(10, 0); SolidBrush solidBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black); int count = 0; string familyName = ""; string familyNameAndStyle; FontFamily[] fontFamilies; PrivateFontCollection privateFontCollection = new PrivateFontCollection(); // Add three font files to the private collection. privateFontCollection.AddFontFile("D:\\systemroot\\Fonts\\Arial.ttf"); privateFontCollection.AddFontFile("D:\\systemroot\\Fonts\\CourBI.ttf"); privateFontCollection.AddFontFile("D:\\systemroot\\Fonts\\TimesBD.ttf"); // Get the array of FontFamily objects. fontFamilies = privateFontCollection.Families; // How many objects in the fontFamilies array? count = fontFamilies.Length; // Display the name of each font family in the private collection // along with the available styles for that font family. for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j) { // Get the font family name. familyName = fontFamilies[j].Name; // Is the regular style available? if (fontFamilies[j].IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Regular)) { familyNameAndStyle = ""; familyNameAndStyle = familyNameAndStyle + familyName; familyNameAndStyle = familyNameAndStyle + " Regular"; Font regFont = new Font( familyName, 16, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); e.Graphics.DrawString( familyNameAndStyle, regFont, solidBrush, pointF); pointF.Y += regFont.Height; } // Is the bold style available? if (fontFamilies[j].IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Bold)) { familyNameAndStyle = ""; familyNameAndStyle = familyNameAndStyle + familyName; familyNameAndStyle = familyNameAndStyle + " Bold"; Font boldFont = new Font( familyName, 16, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); e.Graphics.DrawString(familyNameAndStyle, boldFont, solidBrush, pointF); pointF.Y += boldFont.Height; } // Is the italic style available? if (fontFamilies[j].IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Italic)) { familyNameAndStyle = ""; familyNameAndStyle = familyNameAndStyle + familyName; familyNameAndStyle = familyNameAndStyle + " Italic"; Font italicFont = new Font( familyName, 16, FontStyle.Italic, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); e.Graphics.DrawString( familyNameAndStyle, italicFont, solidBrush, pointF); pointF.Y += italicFont.Height; } // Is the bold italic style available? if (fontFamilies[j].IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Italic) && fontFamilies[j].IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Bold)) { familyNameAndStyle = ""; familyNameAndStyle = familyNameAndStyle + familyName; familyNameAndStyle = familyNameAndStyle + "BoldItalic"; Font italicFont = new Font( familyName, 16, FontStyle.Italic | FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); e.Graphics.DrawString( familyNameAndStyle, italicFont, solidBrush, pointF); pointF.Y += italicFont.Height; } // Is the underline style available? if (fontFamilies[j].IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Underline)) { familyNameAndStyle = ""; familyNameAndStyle = familyNameAndStyle + familyName; familyNameAndStyle = familyNameAndStyle + " Underline"; Font underlineFont = new Font( familyName, 16, FontStyle.Underline, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); e.Graphics.DrawString( familyNameAndStyle, underlineFont, solidBrush, pointF); pointF.Y += underlineFont.Height; } // Is the strikeout style available? if (fontFamilies[j].IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Strikeout)) { familyNameAndStyle = ""; familyNameAndStyle = familyNameAndStyle + familyName; familyNameAndStyle = familyNameAndStyle + " Strikeout"; Font strikeFont = new Font( familyName, 16, FontStyle.Strikeout, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); e.Graphics.DrawString( familyNameAndStyle, strikeFont, solidBrush, pointF); pointF.Y += strikeFont.Height; } // Separate the families with white space. pointF.Y += 10; } // for
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